Streamline your event with precision and excellence

Streamline Creative offers a full range of event, conference, meetings, exhibition management and sponsorship services, from initial concept and planning to post event analysis. Services are tailored to meet our client’s specific needs and objectives, saving them valuable time and money, while maximising the benefit to their delegates, sponsors and their organisation.

Streamline Creative can support you in any number of ways. We can provide a total event management service or just manage some specific elements. We will happily tailor our services to meet your specific needs and budget, and that may be simply assisting you with your registrations, creating a budget and timeline, or meeting with you to provide guidance and advice.

Services Streamline Creative offers include the following:

  • Event management
    Manage the entire event, tailored to meet each clients specific needs.
  • Registration management
    Manage all your registration needs including preparation of name badges/lanyards and managing the registration desk onsite. Event management software allows registrations to be completed online via the event website.  This assists with providing up to the minute reporting and statistical data on your event.
  • Financial management
    Prepare and monitor the event budget. Provide our client with regular financial updates. Provide a final income and expenditure statement with all financial transactions having a clear and transparent audit trail.
  • Venue management
    Research and assist in selecting a suitable venue, negotiate rates and conditions and continue to liaise with venue staff for audio visual requirements, room setup, signage and all food and beverage needs.
  • Sponsorship and Exhibition management
    Prepare a sponsor and exhibition prospectus, negotiate sponsorship, liaise with sponsors and exhibitors, manage all aspects of the exhibition and ensure all sponsors and exhibitors receive their benefits and entitlements .
  • Social program management
    Advise on and manage the social program, including the event dinner, welcome reception, partners program and entertainment. We can arrange the booking and payment of any entertainment required for your event.
  • Event accessories and special requirements
    Obtain quotes and manage the logistics of a photographer, interpreters, office equipment, gifts for speakers, satchel/gift bags and any other specific needs as required.
  • Design and print management
    Management and advice on graphic design, event branding and printing of all event material.
  • Marketing management
    Assist in defining event aims and objectives and identify key target markets. Advise on a media strategy or identify, engage and brief a media consultant. Coordinate placement of event notices and advertisements in relevant publications and manage distribution of promotional material to target markets.
  • Travel and accommodation management
    Book and manage travel and accommodation for attendees, speakers and committee members.  Streamline Creative will negotiate best rates, select and liaise with hotels, manage the block booking and provide rooming lists to a variety of hotels.
  • Event website management
    Develop, maintain and host event website including online registration.
  • Post event management
    Development of a post evaluation survey for attendees and submit a final report

 Obligation free quote

Streamline Creative offers a wide range of services and as a result quotations are based on the client’s choice of services and the size of the event. To discuss your next event or for an obligation free quote, please contact us today.

We look forward to the opportunity of discussing your event management needs with you.  

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